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Solano County
Solano County
Justin Kirk Tabayoyon

JKT Law Inc. provides comprehensive family law representation for all family law matters. 


Family Law Attorney


JKT Law Inc. is your dependable source for comprehensive and dedicated representation in all matters of family law. Our expertise and commitment form the backbone of our services, as we navigate the complex intricacies of family law disputes.


Family law cases are often fraught with high emotions. Whether it's the end of a relationship or a dispute over child custody, these situations can become emotionally charged, transforming what should be straightforward financial transactions into complex battles. Our aim is to guide you with a steady hand, balancing emotions with reason, and ensuring your interests are at the forefront.

Understandably, the complexities increase when children or allegations of domestic violence come into play. Cases may involve real or falsely accused instances of abuse or substance misuse, adding further layers of distress and confusion. When you feel as if you're being unfairly treated by the courts or are up against a barrage of baseless allegations, we stand by you, advocating relentlessly for justice.

Our expertise also extends to situations where a custodial parent wishes to relocate out of the State of California, providing robust representation for those contesting such a move. At JKT Law Inc., we have a deep understanding of the dynamics of family law disputes. Whether you're navigating a divorce, contending with child custody issues due to the other parent's abusive behavior or substance misuse, facing baseless allegations of abuse, or grappling with relocation matters, we're here to protect your interests and fight for you.

No matter your situation, our team will assist you through your family law litigation, aggressively advocating for your rights while providing the compassionate support you need during this challenging time. With our help, you can approach your family law dispute with confidence, assured that a dedicated team is in your corner, striving to achieve the best possible outcome for you.

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